Saturday, June 2, 2007

Mule Days is Upon Us!

Well, well, well....the reports from opening night were true! You are wonderful, hilarious, awesome and every other word of praise I heard last night and from the night before. And now that's it's getting more and more fun for the performers, there's only one more performance left. Ain't that the way it goes?
I'm so proud and happy for you! I remember when our "core" group met back in...was it March? We looked at a couple of play options and many of you said "let's do the long one!". I was happy about that choice because the show is a good one, but I was also thinking to myself "There's a HUGE cast, can we get that many people!" and "It's a lot longer than anything we've ever done, can we really do this?" Ha-ha! Not only did you handle the longer play, but we've added so many wonderful new people to our company of actors and performers. That will mean a very bright future for the "Not All There Players"! More shows? Different kinds of shows? Who knows? (OK, Shakespeare or Sondheim might never be an option, but that's OK.)
Enjoy the parade and other Mule Days festivities today, but please use sunscreen so we won't have a bunch of lobsters onstage this afternoon, ok? See you later!

Friday, June 1, 2007

I heard it was great!

I'm back from Seattle and a truly awesome performance of West Side Story at the 5th Avenue Theater. Yes, our son Jason was amazing (in the role of Big Deal), but the whole show was top quality, well-deserving of the standing ovation it received.
Now, I want to know how opening night in Reardan went. I heard you had a large audience and that the show was "outstanding". I also heard that it was very warm in the gym - but we expected that, didn't we? Please post some comments if you get a chance. I'll be there tonight! See you then. -- TK